
About us

Habitar o baleiro is a multi-platform journalistic project with a long-term vocation that was born to document life in rural Galicia.

What was, what is, what is born and what disappears, especially in the provinces of Ourense and Lugo, are fundamental pillars that build the story, help to understand the past and also explain the present.

Through images, infographics, texts, videos and audios, a group formed by journalists Cláudia Morán, Elisabet Fernández, Alba Moledo, Sergio Pascual and Lucía Abarrategui and the photographer Brais Lorenzo, together with the support of the audiovisual professionals of Metropolis.coop, puts the focus in the projects and problems linked to the rural environment: sustainability, life in the countryside and the work of agri-food cooperatives; but also old age, loneliness and lack of care, coexistence with wind farms or the impact of climatic phenomena often associated with depopulation, such as drought and forest fires.

These are rural stories that deserve to be told. So that the natural lives. So that the memory remains.

Brais Lorenzo

Brais Lorenzo

Trained in Photography and Geography and History. He is interested in social and environmental issues, he believes in the transformative power of the image.

Since 2010 he combines photojournalism with long-term documentary work. He is a regular contributor to Bloomberg, AFP and Agencia EFE. He has taken photographs for other state media such as El País, El Mundo, La Vanguardia, RTVE, Eldiario.es, Revista Luzes or XL Semanal. Images of him have also been published in international media such as The Guardian, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post or Time.

His work has been recognized nationally and internationally with the Ortega y Gasset awards, POYi, Sony World Photography Awards, Istanbul Photo Awards, Siena International Photo Awards, Estaçao Imagem, Galicia en Foco, Luis Ksado and the Xosé Aurelio Carracedo Journalism Award, among others.

Cláudia Morán

Cláudia Morán

Graduated in Journalism from the Ramon Llull University and Master in Journalism specialized in International Politics from the Pompeu Fabra University.

He worked at La Voz de Galicia, Luzes Magazine, Agencia EFE (Brussels), Radio Coruña-Cadena Ser and Cope Barcelona. He currently collaborates in Nós Diario, Luzes Magazine and La Marea.

She has experience in scriptwriting and project coordination, as well as production, elaboration and editing. audio and video.

She received the 20Blogs award for the collective blog Goldman Sachs is not an Aftershave and the Comunicar en Igualdade award from the Xunta de Galicia for the collective report As mulleres na opinion: a pink elephant in the middle of the newsrooms.

Sergio Pascual

Sergio Pascual

Graduate in Journalism from the University of Valladolid, Master in Radio from the Rey Juan Carlos University and Political Communication and Marketing from the USC.

Collaborator for various media outlets, such as La Marea, Vinte na Praza, La Fàbrica Digital or El Confidencial, where he produces topical reports. social, cultural and environmental.

He is co-founder of Laboratorio de radio and co-author of the transmedia report The Prestige Traces, winner of the best series at the 2022 La Buena Prensa awards and the UOC's MoJoInnova 2023 Audience Award.

Lucía Abarrategui

Lucía Abarrategui

Graduate in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Santiago de Compostela and master's degree in Radio from the Rey Juan Carlos University.

He has extensive experience in different radio stations –Cadena SER, Radio Nacional de España and RadioVoz Coruña– and in radio teaching in the Higher Cycle of Vocational Training in Audiovisual Production, Radio and Shows (C.P.R. or Radio Verde).

An expert in radio and audio and podcast editing and production, she is co-founder of the Radio Laboratory platform.

Co-author of the multimedia report Las pies del Prestige, award for best series at the 2022 La Buena Prensa awards.

Elisabet Fernández

Graduate in Journalism from the USC and student of Criminology at the Uned.

Since 2015, she has been working in local journalism in the province of Ourense. She began her internship at La Voz de Galicia. At the newspaper La Región, she worked for eight years in the Society, Culture, Politics, and Education sections. She has a particular interest in news related to longevity, depopulation, and society. Since 2024, she has continued her dedication to local journalism at Faro de Vigo. She also coordinated the supplement Gente Mayor for a time. With training in scriptwriting and podcasting, she developed the project The Penultimate Ones of Niñodaguia, a podcast that documents the work of the cacharreiros (potters) of the Ribeira Sacra.

In terms of text production, she has been recognized as an honorary member of the Asociación para a Defensa do Patrimonio Galego (Apatrigal) and received an honourable mention in the journalism contest of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Galicia.

Alba Moledo

Graduate in Journalism and Master's Degree in Multimedia Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

She works as a journalist at Diario de Pontevedra, where she began her professional career. After gaining experience at Axencia EFE through a scholarship with EFE Empresas (Madrid), at La Voz de Galicia, and in the field of communications, she returned to Diario de Pontevedra. She currently works as a correspondent, covering local news in the regions of Sanxenxo and O Salnés. In 2020, she debuted as a columnist in the same newspaper, where she continues to maintain a weekly column.

She is also the Galician correspondent for the academic journal Transatlantic Studies Network (University of Málaga), published by the Centro de Estudios Iberoamericanos y Transatlánticos (FGUMA-UMA) and the Group of Studies on Communication and Information Society.

Miguel Riaño

Miguel Riaño

Audiovisual producer and director. He studied Audiovisual Communication at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (UPSA).

Among his most notable works, at the Territorial Center of RTVE in Castilla y León in Valladolid as an editor and announcer, he was a collaborator of the RNE program Bandera negra, where he directed the section called The third dimension, he served as director and producer of the documentary Ciudad de the jungle and was head of production, director and scriptwriter in the third season of the Galician Television series Tal como siempre.

In addition, he is a promoter of the cooperative production company Metrópolis, based in Galicia.

Juan Carlos García

Juan Carlos García

Graphic designer and art director. Senior technician in advertising graphic design.

With more than 15 years of experience in the professional world of design, he has worked for clients such as Apple, Abanca, Adidas and Lilly Pharma.

Featured artist in 2022 by Adobe Creative and first Spanish designer to collaborate with the European Space Agency. Currently within the production company Metrópolis and creator from the Funkyvision art brand.

Thomas Harris

Thomas Harris

Director of photography and audiovisual technician. He studied the Higher Cycle in Image in Vigo and the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Vigo.

In 2010 he took a steadycam course and another on documentary filmmaking at the Vedra Lav010 Audiovisual Laboratory.

He started as a camera operator (ENG) at Localia TV, Pontevedra, in 2008, and since that date he has worked as a camera operator, audiovisual technician and director of photography in several audiovisual projects of various production companies that make programs for TVG, such as Onde vai a Xente, Un País de Lerias, Como Galegos!, ...

Between 2016 and 2019 he worked in the advertising sector as director of photography and photographer at the Elemental Chefs Agency. Between 2020 and 2023 he worked as a live camera operator with Livestream backpacks.

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